
Bottled Water Consumption Grows Rapidly

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Water is the source of life, and healthy drinking water is a common need of human beings. With the escalation of consumption and the awakening of consumer health awareness, the public's demand for a good bottle of water is becoming more urgent. In this context, more and more non-industry capital is investing in natural mineral water projects.


According to reports, Al Ain Farms, a leading dairy company in the UAE, has launched its first low-sodium bottled aquatic product in order to improve the national health. The new products will be included under the water brand H2O, with water sourced from the ancient town of Hatta, UAE. According to Milana Boskovic, Al Ain Farms' director of marketing, this is the company's first retail bottled water product. The company produces dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, camel milk, as well as poultry, fruit juices and sports drinks. With the launch of new products represented by bottled water, Al Ain Farms, mainly known for its dairy products, hopes to become the leading local food and beverage company by 2021. 5-10L water filling machine factory is looked for by many bottled water companies to help them complete water filling and packaging.

bottled water bottling plant

It is worth noting that in the Chinese market, the dairy giant Yili also launched a new bottled water product last year. From the current information disclosed by Yili, the inikin Yiquan Spring is positioned in the mid-to-high end. Natural oxygen bar "Aershan. The water source is a 3,000-meter underground natural rare volcanic low-temperature active spring.


Over the past decade, global bottled water consumption has increased by 92%

According to the International Bottled Water Association's IBWA information, in 2018 US bottled water consumption reached 13.8 billion gallons, per capita consumption reached 42.3 gallons, an increase of 4.3%, and sales increased by 7.3% to 18.4 billion US dollars. Since 2006, nearly 69% of consumers in the United States have switched from carbonated soft drinks, including soft drinks, to bottled water. About 93% of Americans hope that bottled water should appear in any place where beverages appear. China filling line manufacturers plays an important role in meeting the great increasement of global bottled water consumption.

U.S. Consumption by Beverage Type 2006-2008

With the development of the market, consumer demand standards for water products are also continuously improved. From the basic water demand development to the pursuit of quality connotation, natural mineral water has won consumers' favor with its excellent product strength and brand connotation.


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